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Find the images you need in our constantly updated stock library. They are high quality , rights released images available in sizes for web through to print publication. Some of our galleries on Stocksy are below.


Example content: Female dairy veterinarian assisting recumbent cow with the birth of a live calf in a foggy paddock. Cow has milk fever and foetus has abnormal foetal presentation, head back. that needs to be corrected before extraction.

Feeding Out Milk

Example content: The farmer is watching calves drinking milk from a calfetaria attached to his farm quad.The white tank in the middle is half filled with milk and the calves drink from articial teats attached to the outer ring of the gravity feeding system.

Female Farmers

Example content: Dairy farmer weighing her 14-month-old dairy replacement heifers pre mating. She is operating the levers to open and close the front compartment of the crush to let the animal off the scales.

Milk Sampling

Example content: Gloved hands of a female veterinarian holding a RMT sampling paddle under a cow udder with one hand, and squeezing milk out of the teat into the sample paddle. The milk stream is clearly visible.

Farm Bikes

Example content: Two farm dogs waiting on the quad. In the background a tractor and digger are doing maintenance on paddock drainage and waterlines.


Example content: Surgical removal of a skin growth from the flank of a Friesian cross dairy cow. The hands of the veterinary surgeon are visible holding a forceps to lift the skin flap in one hand, and a pair of surgical scissors in the other hand.

Blood Sampling

A female veterinarian is taking blood and liver biopsy samples from dairy cows for trace element testing. Vaccutainer sample tubes are on the table in the foreground.

Pregnancy Testing 

Female dairy veterinarian pregnancy testing dairy cows by ultrasound method. An intra-rectal ultrasound probe transmits the image to the veterinarian’s binocular head mounted display..


Calves being fed sileage at sunrise.. The land is rolling with a line of trees on the left with a long hedge on the right. The photograph is shot directly into the rising sun and the calves are in silhouette.

Feeding Out Hay

A Waikato beef farmer feeds hay to beef cattle to supplement the grass they are eating. He stands in the tray of a small offroad pickup truck throwing slices of bale onto the ground.

Farm Maintenance

A female veterinarian hosing down the veterinary /treatment platform with a high pressure hose in a rotary dairy shed. The female technician is metrichecking the cows to check for endometritis.

Treatment Procedures

The bottle contains fast and slow release calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and energy.The cow has just has given birth, assisted by the veterinarian, and the disinfectant and gloves from that procedure are visible in the background.

Focus On Calves

Example content: 10 newborn calves are suckling colostrum from a 12 teat half round pink feeder that is almost empty. The 9 dairy replacement calves are wearing pink covers, the one beef calf in the middle has no coat and stands out with his white back.

Focus On Cows

Example content: Curious dairy yearlings sniffing a couple lying face up in a field in New Zealand Spring. In the centre are a Speckle Park steer and a Jersey Bull. Sunny blue sky and green grass.

Male Farmers

Example content: A farm staff member and a calf are waiting on a trailer. The calf has just had a sedative in preparation for surgery on its injured tail.

Our Rural Photography Stock Library

Specialising in panoramic, and technical farm photography. Offering images with hands on rural industry experience. Commissioned projects or find our licensed images here.

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