Te Aroha Photography is based in the Waikato region of New Zealand. Te Aroha Photography is dedicated to documenting the often beautiful reality of farming.
Female veterinarian trimming the hoof of a lame dairy cow. She is trimming the tip of the claw where the suspect white line lesion is. The cow is safely restrained in a hoofbox.

Mobile Surgery
A farm staff member and a calf are waiting on a trailer. The calf has just had a sedative in preparation for surgery on its injured tail.

Ultrasound Pregnancy Testing of Dairy Cattle
Female dairy veterinarian pregnancy testing dairy cows by ultrasound method. An intra-rectal ultrasound probe transmits the image to the veterinarian’s binocular head mounted display. A female rural technician records the findings electronically. An external screen in the foreground also displays the image of the 70-day-old foetus.